News Sources: Gov't Response to Mortgage Crisis
John Caskey - Professor of Economics, Swarthmore College - An expert on the use of financial services by low-income U.S. households. Author of "Fringe Banking: Check-Cashing Outlets, Pawnshops, and the Poor" (1994), which examines banking alternatives for poorer people. He has also researched community development banks and economic development in poor communities.
Karl Case - Professor of Economics, Wellesley College - Case is a nationally recognized expert on real estate markets and prices. He has authored several studies that attempt to isolate the causes and consequences of boom and bust cycles and their relationship to regional economic performance.
Kevin McIntyre - Economics/Business Assistant Professor, McDaniel College - McIntyre is an expert on all things macroeconomics including the Federal Reserve, gas prices, inflation, retail markets, financial markets, international markets, and monetary policy.
Labels: banking, economics, housing, Wall Street