News Sources: Police Use Tasers on Student
Christopher Pyle - Professor of Politics, Mount Holyoke College - Pyle is a noted scholar of constitutional law and civil liberties, extradition, He is an expert on both USA Patriot Acts and issues pertaining to civil liberties in the midst of the war on terror. He is a former U.S. Army intelligence officer and author of Military Surveillance of Civilian Politics, 1967-1970.
Kimberly Shankman - Professor of Politics and Government, Ripon College - Shankman is an expert in American politics and constitutional law and has served as chairwoman for the Wisconsin State Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.
Lane V. Sunderland - Chancie Booth Ferris Professor of Political Science, Knox College - Sunderland is a constitutional scholar and the author of Popular Government and the Supreme Court: Securing the Public Good and Private Rights.