News Sources: US Bridges under Review
Clive Dym - Fletcher Jones Professor of Engineering Design, Harvey Mudd College - Dym's research has focused on the development of knowledge-based (expert) systems for engineering design and analysis. Previously, he worked on a wide variety of problems in applied mechanics and acoustics. He has published more than 100 journal articles, papers and technical reports, and edited two books and written seven.
David A. Aschauer - Elmer W. Campbell Professor of Economics, Bates College - Leading authority on infrastructure and author of controversial Aschauer Curve, which purports to show positive correlation between public spending on infrastructure and economic growth. Formerly a senior economist with the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, he has conducted numerous studies and presented findings to the World Bank and U.S. Senate. Received the distinguished service award from the Transportation Research Board.
Paul Shrivastava - Professor of management, Bucknell University - An expert on industrial safety, corporate environmental practices, environmental management, strategic management and planning, and crisis prevention. He is a former editor-in-chief of the international journal Industrial and Environmental Crisis Quarterly.
Labels: bridges, engineering, infrastructure, safety