Friday, September 7, 2007

News Sources: Mexican Trucks Roll in U.S.

The Bush administration is proceeding with a pilot program to allow up to 100 Mexican trucking firms to haul their cargo anywhere in the United States. The program has drawn the ire of Teamsters and members of Congress, who charge it is an attempt at "union-busting" and doesn't address environemental and safety concerns. Reporters looking for experts to interview on this topic can find them online at the database of news sources and subject matter experts from America's leading liberal arts colleges, including the following (click on names for contact information):

Jorge Gonzalez - Associate Professor of Economics, Trinity University - Gonzalez is an expert in trading patterns between Mexico and the U.S., intra-industry trading, the economic impact of immigration, political economy of international trade, and the Mexican economy. His most recent research "The Term Structure of Interest Rates and the Mexican Economy," was published in Contemporary Economic Policy.

Raymond Robertson - Associate Professor of Economics, Macalester College - Robertson specializes in Latin American economic policy. Most of his research is conducted in Mexico, where he has lived. He can discuss a range of issues including the effects of NAFTA on Mexico, unskilled workers, and foreign investment in Mexico.

Elizabeth DeSombre - Associate Professor of Environmental Studies, Wellesley College - Desombre can speak on international environmental politics and law. Her research projects include the use of economic sanctions for environmental goals, the relationship between trade and environment, and environmental, labor and safety standards on ocean ships.

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