Wednesday, August 29, 2007

News Sources: Senate Scandals

U.S. Sen. Larry Craig's guilty plea to lewd conduct in an airport restroom is the latest in a long history of congressional sex scandals. Is this merely another example of the old aphorism that "power corrupts," or is there more involved? Either way, what can voters do about it? Reporters looking for experts to interview on this topic can find them online at the database of news sources and subject matter experts from America's leading liberal arts colleges, including the following (click on names for contact information):

Joe Knippenberg - Associate Professor of Political Science, Oglethorpe University - Knippenberg teaches "Love, Sex and Politics," where the class examines the salacious surface of the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal by investigating the relationship between the deepest human longings and political life.

Michael Johnston - Professor of Political Science, Colgate Unversity - Johnston has studied ethical and attitudinal dimensions of politics for nearly three decades, and is a frequent commentator on politics and international corruption and development issues. Johnston is a consultant and researcher on corruption, civil society and good governance for the World Bank, United Nations Development Program, and ASIA foundation. He has served as director of the Colgate Center for Ethics and World Societies.

Bernard Murchland - Professor of Philosophy, Ohio Wesleyan University - Murchland has published more than 100 articles and reviews and has authored five books with interests in the philosophy of social values and society, existentialism, business ethics, and American philosophy. His writings have appeared in Wall Street Journal, Christian Science Monitor, Commonweal and Change magazine.


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