Wednesday, September 5, 2007

News Sources: The Air Force's Missing Nukes

The Pentagon is trying to figure out how a B-52 bomber was mistakenly armed with six nuclear warheads and flown from North Dakota to Louisiana last week. Officials say the crew was unaware they were carrying nuclear weapons and one military official says the public was never in any danger. But the incident apparently was a major breach of security rules surrounding nuclear weapons. Reporters looking for experts to interview on this topic can find them online at the database of news sources and subject matter experts from America's leading liberal arts colleges, including (click on names for contact information):

Andrew Latham - Associate Professor of Political Science, Mcalester College - Latham specializes in international conflict and security issues and is an expert on arms production and the proliferation of arms, including weapons of mass destruction.

Steven Lee - Professor of Philosophy, Hobart and William Smith Colleges - Lee possesses a plethora of knowledge on war and the use of nuclear weapons, including the cultural, psychological, and historical impact of nuclear weapons. He is also a scholar on ethics and critical thinking. Lee received the "Make a Better World Award" by The American Society of Association Executives.

Andrew Grossman - Professor of Political Science, Albion College - An expert on civil defense readiness in the event of an attack using weapons of mass destruction, Grossman is the author of the book Neither Red Nor Dead: Civilian Defense and American Political Development During the Early Cold War. He has commented widely on terrorism and threats posed by weapons of mass destruction in the U.S. He also is an expert on government institutions and issues related to international security.

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