News Sources: Water-boarding Wariness
The debate over whether the practice of "water-boarding" is a permissible interrogation technique or is torture has been heightened by an ABC News interview with ex-CIA officer John Kiriakou. He acknowledged that water-boarding was used in interrogating al-Qaeda prisoner Abu Zubaydah, but he says he thinks it did amount to torture. Meanwhile, the public has learned that in 2005 the CIA destroyed hundreds of hours of videotapes showing the interrogations of Abu Zubaydah and another al-Qaeda prisoner. Reporters looking for experts to interview on this topic can find them online at the database of news sources and subject matter experts from America's leading liberal arts colleges, including the following (click on names for contact information):
Darius Rejali - Professor of Political Science, Reed College - Rejali is the author of Torture and Modernity: Self, State, and Society in Modern Iran as well as articles on torture, executions, violence in Latin America, and mass rape in ethnic war, particularly Bosnia. He is a aResearcher on human rights of sexual minorities, AIDS testing policies in the U.S. and Europe and Iranian politics.
Samuel V. Wilson - Wheat Visiting Professor in Leadership, Hampden-Sydney College - Wilson is president emeritus of Hampden-Sydney College. He is former deputy to the director of central intelligence for the intelligence community and retired director of the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency.
Labels: al-Qaeda, CIA, intelligence, torture, water-boarding
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